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REMINDER: the 250 ARCs were uncorrected proofs, so please just comment on the story, not typos (which were corrected for the final edition). This is a FUN forum, not a work assignment!
REMINDER: the 250 ARCs were uncorrected proofs, so please just comment on the story, not typos (which were corrected for the final edition). This is a FUN forum, not a work assignment!
REMINDER: the 250 ARCs were uncorrected proofs, so please just comment on the story, not typos (which were corrected for the final edition). This is a FUN forum, not a work assignment!
We all know that books give us a chance to travel the globe,
but this is an opportunity for the books to do the traveling!

Register the numbered copy of "Solid" you were given and post a comment. Then continue to check back and see whose hands your copy has passed through and how far it has journeyed!

Don't have an officially numbered ARC, but still want
to join the fun? Just name your copy, log it under "More!"
along with your comment, and then release it into the world!

*REMINDER: the 250 ARCs were uncorrected proofs, so please
just comment on the story, not typos (which were corrected for the final edition). This is a FUN forum, not a work assignment!
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REMINDER: the 250 ARCs were uncorrected proofs, so please just comment on the story, not typos (which were corrected for the final edition). This is a FUN forum, not a work assignment!
REMINDER: the 250 ARCs were uncorrected proofs, so please just comment on the story, not typos (which were corrected for the final edition). This is a FUN forum, not a work assignment!
REMINDER: the 250 ARCs were uncorrected proofs, so please just comment on the story, not typos (which were corrected for the final edition). This is a FUN forum, not a work assignment!
REMINDER: the 250 ARCs were uncorrected proofs, so please just comment on the story, not typos (which were corrected for the final edition). This is a FUN forum, not a work assignment!
REMINDER: the 250 ARCs were uncorrected proofs, so please just comment on the story, not typos (which were corrected for the final edition). This is a FUN forum, not a work assignment!