As both the author of the SOLID series and a parent, I am very excited by the recent expansion of digital holdings in school libraries.

Because I am also aware that many schools are currently working with limited funding, I wanted to do my part by donating FREE ebooks of the series to interested schools.
To request FREE ebooks for your school, simply send me a message with the contact information for your librarian, teacher, or media specialist and I will work with that person to add the SOLID series to your school's digital library!

Commit to reviewing SOLID 
this summer (on your blog, social media sites and/or Amazon) and I will send 
you the ebook for FREE.

Once you have posted your review and sent me the links, I will send you the free ebook of SETTLING (Book 2).

Again, once you post and share with me, 
I'll send you the free ebook of SOUND (Book 3). 

3 FREE EBOOKS just for sharing your thoughts!

Begin by sending me a message HERE